Hustle Wrap: Bar Beach All Sports 3×3 Street Hustle- Bar Beach, New South Wales

On Sunday March 20, Bar Beach All Sports hosted their very first 3×3 Street Hustle.
The Newcastle weather turned it on for the teams in attendance, with 12 & Under Boys and Girls, 14 & Under Boys and Girls, 16 & Under Boys, Open Men and Open Women in action.
In the 12 & Under Boys category, it was The Young Bucks who took home the win.
The Amazons won the 12 & Under Girls bragging rights.
In the 14 & Under Boys age group, The Boiz claimed top prize.
The North Coast Nets did the same in the 14 & Under Girls age group.
In the 16 & Under Boys, it was the Westbrick Layers going all the way.
The ever-dominant Sydney Supersonics rounded out the day with the Open category win.
They defeated the Earlytrade Athletics 16-9 in the Final.
Both teams were challenged throughout the tournament, with the Kestrels putting up a great fight despite being the only Open Women’s team, due to a few late withdrawals.
By all reports, referees Kath, Joe, Orlando and Cooper also did a great job officiating the event.
Did you miss this Street Hustle?
Don’t worry, Bar Beach has another action-packed Street Hustle coming up on May 29!
Click here to register– spots will fill up quickly!
Check out the list of winners from Bar Beach’s March Street Hustle below- congrats Hustlers!
12 & Under Boys- The Young Bucks
12 & Under Girls- The Amazons
14 & Under Boys- The Boiz
14 & Under Girls- North Coast Nets
16 & Under Boys- The Westbrick Layers
Open- Sydney Supersonics