Z Street Hustle – Hornets Summer 2020
Castle Hill, NSW
Hills Basketbal Stadium
Age Group | Gender |
Hills Hornets
To register for this event, please visit https://hillshornets.com.au/play/3×3/
Date: Wednesday 22 January 2020
Age groups: U12, U14, U16, U18
Time: 10am – 4pm
All teams to arrive at 10am. Games start at 10.15am.
Cost: $90 per team (One day event)
Online entries receive a $5 discount.
Where: Hills Basketball Stadium, Fred Caterson Reserve, Caterson Drive (off Gilbert Road), Castle Hill.
Wear: team uniform (matching shirts with numbers).
Bring: Basketball (name clearly marked).
Food: Canteen will be open.
Team entries close 20/01/2020.
– If a team has more than 1 Representative player, the team must nominate for Representative grade.
– Manager is welcome to attend event but it is not a requirement.
– Each team needs to provide a scorer.
– All participants will earn FIBA 3X3 Ranking points
– 3×3 Camp conducted from 9am – 10am. Enrolments via website. $10 per person.
To register for this event, please visit https://hillshornets.com.au/play/3×3/