Z Hoop City GEELONG Masters Social LEAGUE – April to June 2023
Grovedale, VIC
Hoop City - Geelong
Ball out at the first ever GEELONG HOOP CITY 3X3 Masters Social League!
This is the first 3×3 League for Open Masters.
Teams can sign up now for the 7 week league, with games every Sunday. There will be 6 weeks of regular season and then 1 week of finals.
- Week 1 – 21st April
- Week 2 – 28th April
- Week 3 – 5th May
- Week 4 – 12th May
- Week 5 – 19th May
- Week 6 – 26th May
- Week 7 – 2nd June – FINAL
Time: 3pm onwards – Teams will play in approximately 90 minute blocks. Exact times to be determined once registrations close.
- Masters – 35+ Men and Women
Location: Hoop City Geelong, 190 Torquay Rd, Grovedale VIC 3216
Cost: $250 per team + $10 per player upon entry each week
NOTE: all players will need to have a valid Hustle Pass. A $20 pass is valid for 12 months- see details below
Competition rules:
- Teams will need a minimum of 3 players and maximum of 4 players each week.
- Teams can have a roster of 8 players.
- Players need to be registered before they can take the court each week.
- Teams will play a minimum of 3 x 10 minute games each week.
Uniforms: Official Hustle uniforms are NOT required for this event. Teams are however, encouraged to wear matching jerseys.
Step 1: Register Team via the category button above to secure your teams spot in the tournament
NOTE: Players can be added during this step if players already have a Hustle Pass. If you do NOT know the players Hustle ID’s, players can be added later.
You will only be able to add 4 players into the registration page. Hustle will be in contact to request any additional players closer to the start of the league.
Please read to step 2 if players do not have Hustle ID’s and notify your players.
Step 2: All players must hold a valid “Rookie” or “Baller” Hustle Pass.
This will cover insurance to play in ANY 3x3Hustle tournament in Australia .
Each player will receive a unique Hustle ID with their Pass (eg: AD6H7Y) . This ID is how they will register for ALL 3x3Hustle tournaments in future.
NOTE: this requires setting up 2 profiles- FIBA 3×3 and 3x3Hustle.
Please share with parents/players who do not have a Hustle Pass.
- Register for a FREE FIBA 3×3 player profile at https://play.fiba3x3.com OR search players current profile at https://play.fiba3x3.com/players
- Once signed completed the FIBA profile, in the top right hand side of the screen, it should have their name/nickname, click on the name/nickname and click on profile.
- Once in the Profile, COPYthe player profile URL (a URL is the website address) – you will need this to sign up for your Hustle Pass.
(example FIBA Profile URL: https://play.fiba3x3.com/players/827ca008-2ef9-4409-81a1-141ceb9df5f2)
- Open a new browser window and head to https://www.3x3hustle.com/hustle-pass-2/
- Sign up for a minimum “Rookie” ($20) Hustle Pass – scroll to the bottom and click ‘get started’
- Fill in the first name and surname of the player
- In the FIBA PROFILE URL box, paste the URL
- Fill in the rest of the information.
- Once completed, players will receive a Unique Hustle ID. (eg HUSTLE ID – FJBRE6)
The Hustle ID can be found by logging into your Hustle Profile, clicking on My 3x3Hustle (in the top right) and then Profile.
Step 3: Team Leader will then add players using their unique Hustle ID to the team via the link that is sent directly to the nominated email.
NOTE: You can register a team without players and players can be added at a later date.
If you have any issues with registration, creating the Hustle Pass or finding your Hustle ID please contact 3x3Hustle.
Email: info@3x3hustle.com
Phone: (03) 8866 0100
If you have any queries or questions about the EVENT OPERATIONS please contact
Hoop City Geelong
Email: demarcus@hoopcity.com.au
Phone: 0407 028 630
Registrations Close: MONDAY 15th APRIL 2024